Friday, May 2, 2008

SpotLight Effect...=(

PARANOID, that's it! something that i was before. and i have changed i know, for a long, very long time without being conscious about it. and maybe that's because im sure im not doing anything wrong to be judge by them around. those who are critical minded, have sin connecting eyes, ever dropping ears, and judgemental mouth. surely, you won't get away with those.
But now, its all coming back again. Paranoia's really on yourself. you feel super-sensitive that you even think everybody's been talking about you. and you almost over reacted without being so sure about what you are doing. "what you think is what you feel" right? i'm so like that, i easily hate those people who's talking and then stop if i walk by, and frankly, i dont believe in case they explain. its just that, there's something wrong. there's something wrong with me.
Just think about it. who do you think won't get irretated if you're just doing what you have come up with then they will just spread the idea that your this or that.. it does'nt make any sense though. who won't get upset with those jerkt thoughts? well, im not against them because that's where they become happy, to feast with someone's life. its just that, what they saying its simply below the belt & so malicious.. ugh! sometimes i cant help my self but to hate those kinds really!
Some say 'you're doing something and you dont want to be noticed? well, dont do something wrong' Actually, its depends on what you do. if you think its wrong, then stop it. but if you think its right, but they continue to criticize you, well, just tell yourself, 'its not their business' If you're happy with it, then go! who cares about those people that so malicious anyway? why they became malicious? well its like this... they give wrong meanings on what you do, though, for you its so plain & "obviously visible". i just dont know why we have people like them here. are they jelous or something else? because for me, what i do is just so plain & a natural thing. NO MORE... NO LESS...

Posted by KC on Monday, 03 October 2005 at 11:19 AM - at my Friendster's Blog

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