debut,18th birthday,cotillion,18roses&candles =P
today, im getting ready for another debut party of a family friend. im participating in 18th gifts. a bit excited because its been a years since i attented a debut. im being nostalgic remembering my very own grad debut party, a gift from my mom... its been what? 6years ago? wow! im too old already! lol!
here's my pic when i turned 18!
they say, one of the most important moment in a girl's life aside from walking down the aisle with the man she'll spend the rest of her life, is HER 18th BIRTHDAY! a day when she finally turned into a FINE YOUNG LADY, willing to face the world with a promise of good life ahead and with lots of suitors LOL...
For TIN-TIN, im wishing you a good health, all the best in life and study hard!
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