"in our world today, we have already evolved into a society that doesnt concern itself much with physical appearances. we have clearly moved past that"
- anonymous
that is such a load of crap!
no matter how much you think we have "evolved", human beings still gravitate to the shiniest object in the room, like moths to the lamp, like ants to the sugar, like lizards to the mosquitoes, like....well, you get my point.
when we see a beautiful woman with an ugly guy, we say "lugi" (too bad?) but when we see two beautiful people together, we say, "wow, that's great" when we know of a beautiful person who doesn’t have a boyfriend, we say, "it's such a waste" but when a less attractive person is single, we don't say anything.
when i ask my male friends to choose between a beautiful but dumb woman and a smart but not attractive woman, guess what they will choose?
do we even watch a movie or TV show that stars an ugly person?
and I hate it. I absolutely hate it.
I hate people for perpetuating the "beauty is everything" myth. and I hate myself for buying into that crap. we have enough problems as it is, what with political turmoil, rising prices of basic commodities, spiritual upheavals, and everything else that the world has to offer.
and still we deal everyday with the insecurities that plague our hearts and minds because of our beauty, or lack thereof am I pretty enough for him?
is the reason why I am still single is because I am not attractive enough? did he leave me for her because she is prettier than me?
will I ever be thin enough for my own satisfaction? and don't even get me started on the skin whitening and plastic surgery craze that is sweeping our nation!
will this ever end? will the "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" idealist crap ever really sink into our heads? when will we stop glorifying or vilifying people because of the way they look?

pinch me when that day finally comes because I may think I’m just dreaming....
Posted by KC on Sunday, 11 June 2006 at 09:54 AM - on my Friendster's Blog