i just wanna share some good news, its posted to W@W's e-group discussion by one of my sisses, MariCris.... remember the my post about the missing boy? here's the good news guys! read on & re-post it if you want!

W@wies / N@wies,
This is proof that our simple acts indeed make a difference. Below is the
link to the news that the missing boy (whose blog of his abduction was
passed on several times the last few days) was reunited with his family.
http://www.gmanews. tv/video/ 26199/-QTV- -Missing- boy-reunited- with-family
Below is his father's blog.
For almost 3 horrifying days, I thought I would never have the courage to
look at Chuchu's photos without shedding buckets of tears. Whenever I scan
my laptop for photos of him to be used for the flyers we distribute all
over Metro Manila; I can't help but to burst into tears; no make it sobs
which only provide temporary relief to the agonizing pain I felt every
time I think of what could have happened to my precious little boy.
Whenever I close my eyes, which have denied me of sleep for 3 days,
pictures of my Chuchu would appear, his disarming smile, his funny antics,
the way he makes this hand sign and shout "OCK ON" which he actually meant
"ROCK ON!" I could still hear him call me "YEYE", his own funny way of
calling me "DADDY".
The way he would wake me up in the middle of the night for his usual
midnight treat "FRIME FRIME". (An instance when his infant formula was all
consumed up, so to pacify him, I gave him a small dose of my mom's ENERVON
PRIME in choco. Yes go ahead and sue me! hehe!). Apparently, he liked it
even better than his usual milk drink. So I bought him a chocolate
flavored formula...formulate d for kids this time. He was there with me,
all mine to love and nurture.
Until he was abducted.
Believe me, you don't want to go through what I have gone through.
Waking up at night imagining where your kid is, where is he sleeping. What
is he eating? Who will wash him after taking a poo? What would have been
on his young mind waking up and suddenly everything is different. Would he
cry and call our names? Or would he just keep still and accept the fact
that this is his fate. That this is how life is supposed to be. Imagine a
3 year old kid absorbing all those confusing, horrible thoughts. Kids his
age shouldn't be exposed to such cruelty. They are supposed to play, eat,
sleep and then play again.
Up until now, the past 3 days will be a complete mystery for me. Because
he can't even speak straight, I wonder, where did he sleep? Did he take a
bath? Was he maltreated? Abused? What was going on in his mind all those
time? Did he feel that we abandoned him? It kills me every time I imagine
my precious child walking on dark alleys, begging for food and drink.
Alone and no one to protect him...
If only I can, I would make him forget those horrible 2 and a half days.
If I have the power to clear off his mind, I would not even bat an
eyelash. His physical state might be perfect, but what about his emotional
and mental state? \
In his usual "kastitaloy" language, he told me that every time he would
walk away from the group, THAT girl would pull his ears so bad that when I
looked at it, it is still swollen and red. He was picked up on the markets
of Sta Rosa Laguna, almost falling asleep, as one witness say. Apparently,
they start begging as early as 5am.
I still cry whenever I imagine him being subjected to such cruelty. He
hasn't done anything wrong. He is still an angel.
I still have to deal with the demons of those cruel 3 days.
But inspite of the traumatic experience, FINALLY, Chuchu is with ME.
And I want to thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for helping
Chuchu find his way back home. For the prayers, reposting, linking of this
blog, your connections with the media and government agencies. People from
all walks of life united in goal. To bring back my son safe and sound.
Looking on the bright side of things, Chuchu brought out the good that was
hidden in all of us for so long. Suddenly, we remembered praying,
Suddenly, we began caring for people we don't even know. We became
compassionate, understanding and vigilant.
If not for you people, he could have ended as a beggar all his life.
A drug addict.
A denizen in the street.
A pickpocket.
Or it could have ended a life of an innocent child.
If not for your unwavering support, Chuchu will not be here with us.
So in gratitude, I will make sure, that Chuchu, will have the best that
life could possibly offer. I will make sure that he gets the best
education, the skills. I will hone him to become a good member of the
society. I will shower him the love, care and most of all PROTECTION from
evil. You can mark my word on that.
Those past few days was a nightmare for me, I often thought that, people
have really, really gone bad this time. But seeing Chuchu sleeping so
comfortably in his room with his stuffed toys and what-have-yous; I thank
God that there is still GOOD in this world.
And it was shown through you guys.
So let me thank you from the bottom of my heart, for giving me the chance
to provide my son with the best future that I can offer.
And together, let's all look at his photos. But this time, with HAPPINESS
and LOVE in our hearts.
Marie & Cris
JRM Nakpil / Ibarra's Garden
http;//maricris. weddingannouncer .com
http://marieandcris .multiply. com